Welcome to my little corner of the Web, my name is Jeff DeWitt, I push a mouse for a living and play with old cars deep in the heart of North Carolina USA.
North Carolina is a great place for old cars, with our usually mild winters, rolling countryside and many thousands of miles of back roads (NC has the largest state maintained road system in the US) it's a great place to drive old cars, especially Studebakers!
I'm a car guy, right now my drivers are a 2015 Mustang convertible and a 96 Jeep Cherokee (best car I've ever owned). The project vehicles include a 59 Studebaker Lark and my 60 Studebaker Champ pickup. The Mustang is a fun car and I love my old Jeep but my first automotive love is Studebaker.
This website is intended to provide a place to showcase these vehicles, provide a bit of history of them and the companies that built them, and document some of the work done on them and the adventures they go on.
I'm currently rebuilding the Champ shown to the right, click on the Champ Blog link for more information.
For a better look at the Champ and the Lark visit my old Website.
1960 Studebaker Champ |
My Champ Blog and the Studebaker Drivers Club |
Studebaker Drivers Club |
| |
Champ Blog |
More Interesting Studebaker Links |
Ray-Lin Restoration |
John Polous's Stude.com |
Studebaker Natioinal Museum |
Studebakers are as American as hot dogs, apple pie, and a lot more American than most Chevrolets! |
All photographs and text on this website copyright 2007-2018 Jeffrey DeWitt unless otherwise noted.